Saturday, March 26, 2011

Road Trip!

So I decided to be really adventurous and head to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan with my mom and little sister this weekend for a hockey tournament. I, of course, have all three of my darlings in tow; this is an adventure simply because this will be the first time we have been eating away from home for more than one meal! I know you are probably wondering...what are we going to eat? Well...the trip here was full of snack food, we drove 5 hours the kids had: popcorn, homemade granola bars, pears, and I splurged and got them a store bought treat....GLUTEN FREE DONUTS (actually delicious!).

We arrived at our hotel room and while my mom and sister headed off to hockey, I stayed in the room with the kids and we had a picnic...cheese, rice crackers, cucumber, fruit...real gourmet, I know! Needless to say the kids were asleep before 7, so I figured they must have been full!
Now my mom beats anyone I know for organizational skills, so much so that she brought her VITAMIX with her, and so we had amazing fruit smoothies for breakfast, and we also had the GF Chai Muffins I had baked at home and brought.

So far so to the rink at 6:30 am!!! The kids had a blast playing in the arcade, pretending to drive race cars and play buck hunt! (I feel like I was just doing these things!!!) There is not a single thing to order at a hockey arena concession when you have wheat, gluten and soy allergies....OK so we found apple juice. But the fries were coated in wheat, the deep fryer may have contained soybean oil, they didn't have we had some more dried fruit and nuts brought from home!!!

Lunchtime: We hit up the restaurant at our hotel! Wowzers, $3 for an orange juice, you have got to be kidding me? Hard to say "no" when our waiter walks up to our table holding a jug of what looks like mouthwatering freshly squeezed O.J. ! I ordered a smoked salmon, cheddar and spinach omelet with a side of fruit instead of toast (to be split three ways) and the kids had some strawberry yogurt as well! Tasty, but definitely not worth the price tag!
Back to the arena we go....more arcade, more dried fruit and nuts, and Grama treated the kids to a Ginger ale!

So hockey was over for the day which meant time for the hotel pool. My kids LOVE the water, and so it was a perfect end to a busy day at the arena! My aunt in-law came to spend the day with us and recommended a fabulous "healthy Chinese food restaurant". We googled GENESIS and found the phone number to this perfect sounding source for our evening meal. I spoke with both Gary and Rae on the phone and they couldn't have been more accommodating. I let them know of our allergies, and also asked if they would deliver..."sure, no problem". We ordered steamed rice, shrimp with snow peas, and pan fried veggies. Our dinner arrived, wheat and gluten free, soy free and MSG free! It was absolutely amazing; veggies still crisp, shrimp perfectly tender, rice beautiful and fluffy, YUM! Thank you to the wonderful and efficient service at GENESIS FAMILY RESTAURANT, Saskatoon's First Health Food Restaurant. Highly recommend checking them out on your next time through!

So, all in all this has been a great weekend. Kids have been excellent, and the best part is they don't whine and complain if I tell them they are allergic to something. I love my kids!

Trying to decide what the first recipe I share with you is going to be...any requests?

1 comment:

  1. No recipe ideas here, just looking forward to them. Great website are beautiful hun...great job!!! Maryanne (Homegrown)
